A relatable, transparent design that connects with local communities

Maestros de Hojiblanca is a leading brand in the exclusive production of Extra Virgin Olive Oil. For over 20 years, they have been bringing the mastery of blending with the best raw material selected by expert hands to supermarket shelves. The result: a combination of oils with unique, qualitative flavours.

To launch new regional oils for mass consumption to connect with people seeking more sustainable and local products. This was based on the trend that arose post-COVID: localism and local shopping for Maestros de Hojiblanca to create an ad-hoc regional product in two strategic areas: Catalonia and Andalusia.

Along with regional oil mills that support the work of farmers, commitment to the environment, and sustainable agriculture, Maestros de Hojiblanca is launching two Extra Virgin Oils: Nostra Terra - Molí Agrícola Sant Isidre de Juncosa - and Aceite de Jaén - with PGI (Protected Geographical Indication) -. The product is packaged transparently, sharing its traceability via a QR code, in a practical 3l format, and with a design that conveys the attributes of each area.

The new concept and design of packaging brings us to a local environment that is more sustainable and conscious. By introducing these more transparent products, Maestros de Hojiblanca reaches people who had only previously been interested in minor brands.